A Hoppy Day

Leesy's great-grandmother made her the cutest frog carrier, cap and boots so I just HAD to share!
Here's the little cap
and Leesy even provided a little smirk for the camera
Here she is in the carrier
This would be Bper showing off the lovely
matching scarf for me and the cute little
booties (which he stole from Leesy before
I could snap the picture).

Valentine's Day Mini Garlands

One of my favorite holidays is Valentine's day so it
 only seems right to have some fun decorating for it ;)
My sister passed along this post from another blog, Whisker Graphics for some mini Valentine's garlands. Whisker Graphics even included the template making it impossible to resist making them. Once you see how cute they are you won't be able to resist either.

Here are the ones I made :)

I cut out all the cute little letters and hearts
then I decided to cut out some
hearts to put behind each of them
...giving it this look...
I hole-punched both together
instead of gluing anything down
strung it with some cute pink and white yarn
and TA DA!
A fabulous and totally cute V-day garland!
Many thanks to Whisker Graphics
for the fun template and idea