Only Time Will Tell

I tried my hand at felt watches once again, especially after I gave it to my 2 1/2 year old for testing...many flaws were released in the initial report and I do believe the 'NEW, IMPROVED!' product to be much much better! More importantly though, to be destroy much as any toy can be anyway.

Here was the first attempt. A grand attempt if I do say so myself since I left all my sewing stuff (and I mean ALL) at my sister's the night I started this little gem.
These would be Take II
I did two layers of felt instead of one which should help with the stretching as well as gave it a much prettier look since I did everything in layers so you couldn't see all the back stitching.
I used the machine to sew the velcro on for a cleaner and better hold.
I added the cute buttons seen in this post.
I also used DMC Floss (for cross stitching) instead of regular thread for all the detail work. I think it came out AWESOME. It made for a much cheaper option to bring in bright colors and because it's thicker it seemed to hold and show up better.
I ended up making them this time as birthday presents for an adorable Reduce, Reuse, Recycle party (to be posted about later)
Here's the 'girls' watch
and here's the 'boy' watch
My son was devastated I didn't make him one...guess I need to make a few more :)